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Information The house of Allah in the eyes of the aloners on free-minds

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ahmedbahgat wrote:
I think they are stretching it bro

The Quran only said walk in the land to witness what happened to previous generations,

Let's just call it "evidences

# right bro...and the fact remains that none of the verses he presented ask us to seek archeological "proofs"....yet, after being told the truth, instead of correcting his error, he simply wanted to evade it....typical wannabe attitude! :-S

nor was i surprised at his attitude...even before i finished the first page, i expected little else from him....he seems pretty set on distorting quran and'l wonder that he keeps evading and distorting the truth!

...what i was surprised about was that save ur rebuttal nobody (including traditionalists) shoved in his face (for his hypocrisy) the fact that he was barefacedly drawing upon extra-quranic sources - and even resorting to distorting the text- while claiming that it was an understanding based on "clues" from the scripture! what makes it even more embarrassing is the fact that he draws from arab history where it suits him, and trust me, that is typical of (some) non-muslims and (most) munafiqs i come across! it maybe that by "scripture" he means the jewish bible, and his idea of history is the crone-wansbrough propoganda! (-;

# this is 1 of the scriptural "clues" he is talking about.....many munafiqs i come across quote patricia: some of them are honest about it; some others, not:

In addition, the Qur'an twice describes its opponents as living in the site of a vanished nation, that is to say a town destroyed by God for its sins. There were many such ruined sites in northwest Arabia. The prophet frequently tells his opponents to consider their significance and on one occasion remarks, with reference to the remains of Lot's people, that "you pass by them in the morning and in the evening". This takes us to somewhere in the Dead Sea region. Respect for the traditional account has prevailed to such an extent among modern historians that the first two points have passed unnoticed until quite recently, while the third has been ignored. The exegetes said that the Quraysh passed by Lot's remains on their annual journeys to Syria, but the only way in which one can pass by a place in the morning and the evening is evidently by living somewhere in the vicinity.

...this is exactly what inspires the non-muslims and munafiqs i encounter, when they try to re-construct history, and seemingly doesnt leave too many of their ilk uninspired! (-:

# on a side not: decidedly, djinns do exist in judaism (they are recorded as demons in jewish literature)! (-;
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Tue 13 Mar, 2007 12:48 am
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Hello All

Sorry for leaving this thread for a ong time without finalising it, I wanted to have a break from the non sense spewed every day by the Aloners. I was actually involoved in another struggle with the boys and girls on faithfreedon web site Very Happy anyway the reaosn I want to get this thread back on track is to keep exposing the aloners and their cult leaders on, they are so bias that if you try to expose them on their web site they ban you, for example there a confused freak in there named Lobster, he is also a membetr here named "Phoniex", this guy does the following on web site:

1) Call himself Allah
2) Call Allah a liar
3) Says he knows better than Allah
4) Says the Qutan is full of non sense

Yeterday, when he called Allah a liar, i wen off at him, and guess what?, the tyrats of that Kuffar place called banned me for the third time Laughing

See, they dont ban the freaks who insult and mock Allah, but they ban those who insult those freaks who insults Allah and mock His message

Sounds like a very guided bunch of aloners

Any way, free-islam main mission is to expose those freaks Muslims or not who lie about out great religion, the aloners think that by banning me they can shut me up, they need to think again because actiing low as such will make me more determined to expose their non sense and warn the young Muslims from that Kuffar web site, therefore I have to finish this refute soon inshaallah so i move on to epoxse more of their daily non sense

Salam all

Post Posted:
Thu 24 May, 2007 6:38 am
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Hello All

Sorry for the not continuing to reply to this allegation by free-minds cult leader due to a lot of commitments I have in minds, while I still have more in hand to do I believe finishing this refute is a matter of urgency as those tyrants on FM try to always shut me up when I expose them on their web site, they use the childish excuse that I insult some kafirs in there while on te other hand they allow those kafirs that I insult to insult Allah and mock His message, I was going to post this refute on their web site as I promised one member in there who was almost being dragged under the fake charm they drug the young Muslims with, on the other hand their Tyrancy is evident, for example two moderators in there Savage_carrot & Nadeem was caught red handed many times being bias and abusing their power, if you compare them with faithfreedom web site (a clear cut anti islam web site) you should see with ease that even the kafirs and moderators on faithfreedom have far more integrity than those kafirs on, unfortunately for them if they succeed in shutting me up on their web site, they will never be able to shut me up on free-islam so let's get the ball rolling and try to finish this refute despite I honestly believe that my refutes to the first two parts were enough to demolish this non sense and satanic allegation by free-minds cult leader:

Part III - Mohammed Emigrates.

Yep let's see what you have to say regarding this very well documented history

This is where the Sunnis and Shia begin to agree with the narration taken from the Scripture.

Hmmmm, only the Sunni and Shia?, well I guess most Muslims (regardless of sects) and most Kafirs agree on that too.

Can you see the bias in that Author confused mind?

After preaching the message of God to his own community of Baca;

The Quran never told us that the community of Mohammad was in Baca, it only said that the first Bayt of Allah is in Beca,

Why the author is so manipulative, I wonder?

and after finding much resistance and oppression...

That resistance and the war they went through was clearly documented in the history and agreed on by most Muslims and Kafirs that it was Mecca high ranked people who resisted and oppressed the prophet.

Mohammed Emigrates from his home after all attempts to establish a 'God Alone Community' are met with failure and defeat.

LOL, establish God Alone Community, what a jerk that author is really, as if that God Alone Community was buried for 400 years and suddenly appeared under Messiah Ayman and Santa Layth (of free minds), it is ironic that the author put all first letters in these words in capital letters while he wrote Mohammad with a small letter, yep it looks good that way especially if it is his community in his Barbie world, writing it pinkish colour would have been great too.

And many a town was stronger than your own town, which drove you out. We destroyed them, and there was none who could help them. (The Message 47:3)

Well, the above translation is not 00% accurate, these words in the verse : قَرْيَةٍ and قَرْيَتِكَ, pronounced Qarriah and Qarriatak, should be village and your village

What a useless introduction by the author, the only verse he posted was the verse that we all agree on its context, looks like he was filling a bit of an empty space in his third part of compelling non sense.

-> The Migration/Hijra:
O prophet, We have made lawful for you the wives to whom you have already given their dowry, and the one who is committed to you by oath, as granted to you by God, and the daughters of your father's brothers, and the daughters of your father's sisters, and the daughters of your mother's brothers, and the daughters of your mother's sisters, of whom they have emigrated with you. Also, the believing woman who had decreed herself to the prophet, the prophet may marry her if he wishes, as a privilege given only to you and not to the believers. We have already decreed their rights in regard to their spouses and those who are still dependant. This is to spare you any hardship. God is Forgiver, Merciful. (The Message 33:50)

Let me bring the Arabic text:
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِنَّا أَحْلَلْنَا لَكَ أَزْوَاجَكَ اللَّاتِي آتَيْتَ أُجُورَهُنَّ وَمَا مَلَكَتْ يَمِينُكَ مِمَّا أَفَاء اللَّهُ عَلَيْكَ وَبَنَاتِ عَمِّكَ وَبَنَاتِ عَمَّاتِكَ وَبَنَاتِ خَالِكَ وَبَنَاتِ خَالَاتِكَ اللَّاتِي هَاجَرْنَ مَعَكَ وَامْرَأَةً مُّؤْمِنَةً إِن وَهَبَتْ نَفْسَهَا لِلنَّبِيِّ إِنْ أَرَادَ النَّبِيُّ أَن يَسْتَنكِحَهَا خَالِصَةً لَّكَ مِن دُونِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ قَدْ عَلِمْنَا مَا فَرَضْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ فِي أَزْوَاجِهِمْ وَمَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ لِكَيْلَا يَكُونَ عَلَيْكَ حَرَجٌ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا (50)

[The Quran ; 33:50]

God has pardoned the prophet and the emigrants and the supporters that followed him in the darkest hour, even though the hearts of some of them nearly deviated, but then He pardoned them. He is towards them Compassionate, Merciful. (The Message 9:7)

لَقَد تَّابَ الله عَلَى النَّبِيِّ وَالْمُهَاجِرِينَ وَالأَنصَارِ الَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوهُ فِي سَاعَةِ الْعُسْرَةِ مِن بَعْدِ مَا كَادَ يَزِيغُ قُلُوبُ فَرِيقٍ مِّنْهُمْ ثُمَّ تَابَ عَلَيْهِمْ إِنَّهُ بِهِمْ رَؤُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ (7)

[The Quran ; 9:7]

We can clearly read that Mohammed (and his followers/supporters & family members) all emigrated from their town of Baca

What a lie by that confused author, the two verse above never mentioned Becca again, for him to say the above and use the wod CLEARLY then end his lie with all emigrated from their town of Baca, even the English translation provided by him never mentioned that the prophet and his family migrated from a village named Becca

Again he added nothing to his argument but a clear cut lie

-> Medina/Yathrib:
This place of Emigration was known as 'Yathrib':'

I agree on that and all Muslims and Kafirs also agree on that. So the author is telling us that we all agree (including the kafirs and him) regarding the destination but regarding the origin of migration, Muslims and the Kafirs agree that it was Mecca while the author tells us it is another town. The odds must be against that freak.

And a group of them said: O people of Yathrib, you cannot make a stand; therefore, retreat. And a small party of them sought permission from the prophet, saying: Our homes are exposed, while they were not exposed. They just wanted to flee. (The Message 33:3)

Let bring the Arabic text just in case:

وَإِذْ قَالَت طَّائِفَةٌ مِّنْهُمْ يَا أَهْلَ يَثْرِبَ لَا مُقَامَ لَكُمْ فَارْجِعُوا وَيَسْتَأْذِنُ فَرِيقٌ مِّنْهُمُ النَّبِيَّ يَقُولُونَ إِنَّ بُيُوتَنَا عَوْرَةٌ وَمَا هِيَ بِعَوْرَةٍ إِن يُرِيدُونَ إِلَّا فِرَارًا (3)

[The Quran ; 33:3]

There is nothing in the Scripture to contradict the current city of Medina (Western Saudi Arabia) from being the historic Ã????????Iatribu/Yathrib' that Mohammed immigrated to as per the archeological remains (graves, homes, mosques, etc..).

Jurisdiction of Rome around the period 600 A.D.

In-fact, looking at the map of Rome's jurisdiction at the time, it would make perfect sense that Mohammed would migrate south away from Rome's influence towards a place where they had no jurisdiction.

Hmmm, well the prophet was not migrating from the oppression and resistance of the Romans, the prophet was migrating from the bloody oppression and resistance of the Arabs, see another conjecture to cook a lie

So what exactly the author told us about Yathrib, yep, nothing really much if you read his non sense above again.

[b]-> Beca/Jerusalem is still Mohammed's Focal Point.[/b]

Well, did the Quran say that?, if not and the author is basing it on the corrupt hadith to serve his own low desires then the author is a clear cut hypocrite, double faced and we know that he also willing to lie to serve his own low desires in his Barbie world

The first sanctuary established for the people is the one in Bakk'a, blessed, and a guidance for the worlds. (The Message 3:96)

Although Mohammed has been evicted, he is still upholding the focal point of the Temple in Jerusalem�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¦

Is there any archaeological evidence by the author or just the hadith by the Sunni and Shia?, see, there is nothing in the Quran that tells us the Mohammad was using Jerusalem as his focal point, what a clear cut Munafiq he is.

This would explain why the Sunnis and Shia record until today that the prophet did indeed face Jerusalem for the first part of his stay in Medina (as evidenced by the mosque with two qiblas) and why they still call Jerusalem the Ã????????st qibla'.

So he is using the Sunni and Shia evidences to support his non sense, again tne Quran never said that the prophet was facing Juresalem as his Qiblah.

But the question still remains: Ã????????how was the qibla changed?'

No smartass, the question is :

How the hell do you know from the Quran or your archaeological evidences that the prophet was facing Jerusalem

Again the author added absolutely nothing

-> God Establishes a new Focal Point (Qibla):
The foolish from amongst the people will Say: What has turned them away from the focal point that they were on? Say: To God is the east and the west, He guides whomsoever He wishes to a straight path. (The Message 2:42)

Here is a clear 'turning' away from the existing focal point to newer one.

But again, did the Quran tell us that it was Jerusalem or the Sunnia and Shia are the ones who told us so?

In-fact, this is where traditions and archeology meet with the Scripture as they relate that when the prophet came to Medina, he set the focal point towards the North East (in this case they claim Jerusalem), and that after a period of time he set it in the opposite direction.

Well, the traductions don't say that, they say it was turned from Jursalem to Mecca, I guess the author is trying to built a dsilly argument that Mecca, Yathrib and Jerusalem are not on a straight line, LOL, what a load of non sense.

Forget the traditions, did the Quran tell us that when the qibalah has changed it was set to the opposite side to where it was directed to?, IT NEVER DID, see the author pick and choose what he likes and what he does not like from the traditions, on the other hand he tells us NEVER EVER FOLLOW THE TRADICTIONS.

What is an interesting point to note is that if we drew a straight line from Medina to Jerusalem (in-line with the original qibla as per the Scripture), and then we extend the same line completely in the opposite direction (in-line with the turning away from the qibla as per the Scripture), we see that the alleged temple of Mecca, contrary to what the Sunnis and Shia claimed, does not come onto this path.

Hahahahahahaha, see what he said contrary to what the Sunnis and Shia claimed, but the Sunni and Shai claimed that it was turned from Jerusalem to Mecca, DIDN'T THEY SAY THAT?, however who care about what they say, what we need from that confused author is where in the Quran it says the qiblah was changed to the opposite side of what it was

An imaginary line drawn from Medina to Jerusalem and opposite.

-> Why Change to a New Focal Point?
Establishing a new 'Focal Point' (or Qibla) has precedence in the Quran and was done during the time of the Exodus when Moses and his companions were on the run from Pharaoh and needed to face towards the direction where their enemy would come from during their Salat.

And We inspired to Moses and his brother: Let your people leave their homes in Egypt, and let these homes be your focal point (Qibla) and uphold the contact-method. And give good news to the believers. (The Message 0:87)

What a clear cut liar Layth is, 0:87 never said that it was a qiblah change for the Jews, here it is:

وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَى مُوسَى وَأَخِيهِ أَن تَبَوَّءَا لِقَوْمِكُمَا بِمِصْرَ بُيُوتًا وَاجْعَلُواْ بُيُوتَكُمْ قِبْلَةً وَأَقِيمُواْ الصَّلاَةَ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ (87)

[The Quran ; 0:87]
-> See, it was only an order to take a their homes as qiblah, and let these homes be your focal point (Qibla), the verse never said that this was a new qiblah in place of an older one, Layth is a clear cut liar and manipulator

As for Mohammed's was a 'test' of sorts:

Of course for the believers, it was 00% a test AND STILL IS A TEST till this moment, a test that Layth failed and at the same time is contributing to misguiding many young and na�???????�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¯ve Muslims

And as such, We have made you a balanced nation so that you may be witness over the people, and that the messenger may be witness over you. And We did not make the focal point that you became on except to distinguish who follows the messenger from those who will turn on their heels. It was a great thing indeed except for those whom God had guided; God was not to waste your belief. God is Merciful and Compassionate over the people. (The Message 2:43)

Clear enough that the qiblah change is a test.

-> The Medina/Yathrib Expansion:
During his time in Yathrib, Mohammed and his followers were forced into a number of conflicts which gave them governance over lands/areas they had previously not been involved with.

That is right and it is well klnown by the Muslims and the Kafirs that the first few of those conflicts were with the people of Mecca which Mohammad fled from.

And He inherited you their land, their homes, their money, and lands you had never stepped on. God is able to do all things. (The Message 33:27)

What a flawed translation that is, look what the message says above He inherited you their land, does that make sense?, well it should be He made you inherit their land, on the other hand what that verse has to do with the city of Yathrib expansion?, ABSOLUTELY NOTIHNG, it is another dose of confusion by Santa Layth

And recall when you were but a few who were weak in the land, you were fearful that men might capture you. But He sheltered you, and He supported you with His victory, and He provided you with good provisions, so that you may be thankful. (The Message 8:26)

Yep that victory was over te people of Mecca as Muslims and Kafirs agree on.

-> Financial Growth & Development:
You should know: Of anything you gain, that one-fifth shall go to God and the messenger, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the wayfarer. You will do this if you believe in God and in what We revealed to Our servant on the day of the Criterion, the day the two armies clashed. God is able to do all things. (The Message 8:4)

-> Military Strategy & Experience:
It was during this Ã????????Yathrib Campaign' that it would seem most of the warfare' verses were revealed (4:77, 47:20, 2:27).

And prepare for them all that you can of might, and from the steeds of war, that you may instil fear with it towards God's enemy and your enemy, and others beside them whom you do not know but God knows them. And whatever you spend in the cause of God will be returned to you, and you will not be wronged. (The Message 8:60)

-> Rome was to be fought!
This was a prediction of the inevitable battle against an organized and well trained army...The results as we shall see were quite disastrous.

Say to those Nomads who lagged behind: You will be called on to fight a people who are very powerful in warfare, unless they surrender. Then if you obey, God will grant you a good reward, but if you turn away as you turned away before, He will punish you with a painful retribution. (The Message 48:6)

End of part 3

All the above is clear cut non sense and confusion by Santa Layth, I really have to dismiss it and move on to Part 4

Salam all

Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Mon 19 May, 2008 5:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Thu 24 May, 2007 11:49 am
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Salam all,

This is a very good vdeo, it certainly proves that the freak minders are wrong:

Post Posted:
Mon 19 May, 2008 4:58 pm
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@ahmedbahgat: let 's look at the article which was authored by someone named Layth, and i believe he is the cult leader of

This particular dissimulator's article is a great example of what was said in the other threads, being a restatement of a handful of Orientalists' conjecture, and exemplifies the dissimulators' approach of attempting every dirty trick in the book. There are more errors and lies in this article then I would bother to comment on, so let's look at just one of the many instances of his unabashed and dumb plagiarism:

Mohammed is situated near Lot's town (Soddom);

“And you pass by their ruins (Sodom) in the morning; And in the night. Do you not understand?” (The Message 37:137-138)

“And they have come upon the town (Sodom) that was showered with a miserable shower. Did they not see it? No, they do not expect any resurrection.” (The Message 25:40)

How can someone pass-by the remains of another people EVERY MORNING & EVERY EVENING?

The only way you can achieve that, is if you LIVED NEAR THERE!

The word used in the verse 138 is "al layl," and in his quoted translation the word is correctly translated as "night". Yet, mysteriously, he then uses the word "evening" in his clever rhetoric that follows. Can we glean something from it, or is this a usual stumbling disbeliever?

A little later he writes:

Thus, if the people of Jerusalem were looking out in the morning, or upon returning in the evening, they would be able to glimpse the land where Lot’s town stood and was destroyed by the Lord!

As we see here, our clever dissimulator has once again used "evening" instead of "night," and one time too many has this dissimulator slipped for it to be insignificant. As mentioned earlier, he has simply reproduced the rejected conjecture of some Orientalists, so let us see if we can locate his source of inspiration.

Here is what Crone has to observe about the ruins of Lot's town:

In addition, the Qur'an twice describes its opponents as living in the site of a vanished nation, that is to say a town destroyed by God for its sins. There were many such ruined sites in northwest Arabia. The prophet frequently tells his opponents to consider their significance and on one occasion remarks, with reference to the remains of Lot's people, that "you pass by them in the morning and in the evening". This takes us to somewhere in the Dead Sea region. Respect for the traditional account has prevailed to such an extent among modern historians that the first two points have passed unnoticed until quite recently, while the third has been ignored. The exegetes said that the Quraysh passed by Lot's remains on their annual journeys to Syria, but the only way in which one can pass by a place in the morning and the evening is evidently by living somewhere in the vicinity.

Observe how Crone, referring to 37:138, mistakenly talks about "evening" instead of "night". Evidently, the Crone goddess is among those who have been illuminating our clueless disbeliever. And her devotee has reproduced not only her "historical" conjectures, but also copied over, faithfully, her misconception of the Quranic verse.

Let us put it in another form:

Crone Goddess: The prophet frequently tells his opponents to consider their significance and on one occasion remarks, with reference to the remains of Lot's people, that "you pass by them in the morning and in the evening".

Dissimulator: How can someone pass-by the remains of another people EVERY MORNING & EVERY EVENING?

Crone Goddess: The only way in which one can pass by a place in the morning and the evening is evidently by living somewhere in the vicinity.

: grin :

Talk about a disbeliever's dissimulation and devotion, blind or otherwise.
Post Posted:
Tue 06 Apr, 2010 1:05 am
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Salam mate

I have to say, that was a clear slam dunk of one of the many crap spewed by the freak minders

Thanks a lot for your investigation

Post Posted:
Fri 09 Apr, 2010 7:39 pm
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This disbeliever could not even stick to his (originally Crone's) "pass by every morning and evening" theory, because she proposes by "somewhere in the vicinity" locations in northwest Arabia (a trail picked up by another set of disbelievers and dissimulators).

To fit Jerusalem in the picture, this one suggests getting on top of Mount Olives and catching a glimpse of Bab edh-dhra (one of the places proposed as Lot's site), which is a little under 50 miles away. Add to it the fact that the Mount is some 2700 feet above sea level and Bab edh-dhra some 800 feet below sea level, and anybody can imagine just how well one might be able to see down that drop at a distance of nearly 50 miles. Observe how this dirty disbeliever has gone from twisting the verse to "every morning and evening" to "living there" to "catching a glimpse from an impossible distance".

We have Jerusalem pretty well documented, and there are no records of Muhammad and his mission over there. Further, the Quran states that it was revealed in manifest Arabic. I think it's a safe bet to say that this Jew lookalike would have next liked to propose that Arabic is not Arabic and that Muhammad never existed as there are no records of him in Jerusalem's annals.
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Wed 14 Apr, 2010 7:13 pm
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The Cat wrote:
A thread inviting AB to refute the following:

Hello the Cat

This was refuted 4 years ago on the freak minders web site http//; let me tell you briefly how it happened, I joined the freak minders web site possibly in 2003/2004; firstly, I liked their stance and supported most of what they said, however when I digged deep into their writings, I realized quickly that these people cannot be right, they simply invented a totally new religion attracting many young Muslims who never had a chance to understand their religion but were excited, as I was, seeing them throwing all the hadith in the rubbish bin.

Later on, when I read them inventing a new place for Hajj and different numbers of Salat and different ways of Fasting (three of the basics of Islam), I concluded that those freak minders are yet another enemy of Islam that should be fought and exposed with no mercy, so I went on the attack and for two years replied harshly to most of their crap which was mostly by Layth (the web site owner) and his clown Ayman. So they banned me for good, and that is why I launched in 2006. This means what I am going to talk about was talked about already 4 years ago. But this time is no like 4 years ago. So let the show begins:

The Cat wrote:
The term 'makkata' in 48.24 must be questioned as meaning Mecca/Becca (3.96) like Muslims ascertain....

Sure let's question the word

The word is a name of a place; being a place name means it has no meaning but to refer to that place. Like the human names for example, a person may be named مؤمن , Mu'min, which means Believer , but that person may be an unbeliever. Therefore, applying the meaning of the word on proper names cannot be a valid action or argument. This means when this human name is written in English, it has to be Mu'min and not Believer.

Another example is the capital of Egypt, its name is قاهرة , Qahira, which means Compelling or Prevailing, yet that does not mean that this city is compelling or prevailing over something, in fact Qahira is translated in English to Cairo, why is that , Cat? What Cairo means in English, pal? It means the city of Qahira in Egypt, it does not mean Compelling or Prevailing.

We don't you see the English speaking people calling Cairo, Prevailing. Google Translate confirms that; let me put the image to build on it an irrefutable argument afterward:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Now, the same word is also a feminine adjective to mean Prevailing, an example goes like this:

Susan is Qahira the problems, i.e. Susan is prevailing over the problems. But Google translate used the proper name in English Cairo as the translation instead of common name, so let me trick Google Translate and remove the last letter from the word قاهرة , Qahira to be قاهر , Qahir, this will make the word masculine, so let's see how Google Translate will translate it:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

And that is exactly what I am talking about, the word Qahira means prevailing, but when used as a proper name of a place or a person, then its meaning must be ignored and will have absolutely no effect upon what the word refer to. That is why Qahira is written in English as Cairo, which I believe is wrong, it should be written in English as it is pronounced in Arabic because it is a proper name, i.e. Qahira and not Prevailing or Compelling or even Cairo. I believe they used the English meaningless word Cairo to just make it easy to pronounce the name instead of Qahira. See how Google Translate translates Mecca:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

So based on these, why the confused and manipulative freak minders want to translate the name of a city to the meaning of its root? They are doing so to serve their main objective of supporting with deception the new man made religion they invented.

The Cat wrote:
For, historically, Mecca was unknown until around 710

As I said, wishful thinking is not admissible, now I will show you two sources of information about how far Mecca was traced, the first source is from the book The Life of Mahomet by a very known Christian author William Muir who only attacks Islam, this is what He said in his book, (I am happy to consider this evidence inadmissible):

History of Mecca already traced to 570 A.D

In the Introduction, I have traced the history of History of Mecca and the ancestors of Mahomet, from the earliest times of which we have any account, down to the famous Year of the Elephant, which marks the deliverance of the sacred city from the invading army of Abraha the Abyssinian viceroy of Yemen. Before proceeding farther, I propose briefly to describe Mecca, and the country immediately surrounding it.

Source The first words in the first chapter.

There will be no chance in hell that this Christian author enemy of Islam and Google are working with the Muslims along that alleged conspiracy theory invented by some freaks.

The second source of information is your favourite one, Wiki:

The early Arabian population consisted primarily of warring nomadic tribes. When they did converge peacefully, it was usually under the protection of religious practices.[16] Writing in the Encyclopedia of Islam, Wensinck identifies Mecca with a place called Macoraba mentioned by Ptolemy. His text is believed to date from the second century AD, before the foundation of Islam,[17] and described it as a foundation in southern Arabia, built around a sanctuary. The area probably did not start becoming an area of religious pilgrimage until around the year AD 500. It was around then that the Quraysh tribe (into which Muhammad was later born) took control of it, and made an agreement with the local Kinana Bedouins for control.[18] The sanctuary itself, located in a barren valley surrounded by mountains, was probably built at the location of the water source today known as the Zamzam Well, an area of considerable religious significance.


See, Wiki even traces Mecca to the second century AD. Are all these people conspiring with the Muslims for 1400 years but only those two con-artists Layth and Ayman came 1400 years later to expose them? It cannot be. Those two freaks are only using the ignornace of many Muslims with the Arabic langauage to fool them into the flawed root method to understand the Arabic words, for which I proved with no doubt that proper names (like human names, or places) cannot be translated.

The freak minders replied to the above known fact through their FFI sidekick CAT with nothing but wishful thinking; see:

The Freak Minders wrote:
It is not surprising that the inscription of Abraha doesn't mention or even allude to a town called Maka(t). There is zero evidence for a town named Maka(t) prior to the revelation of the great reading and all sides of the debate on the historicity of Maka(t) agree that the name Maka(t) doesn't occur in any "pre-quranic" inscriptions. Those promoting the historicity of Makka are forced to bring the only one reference by Ptolmey to an insignificant town by the name of Macoraba and not Maka(t) for the simple reason that they know very well that there are absolutely no references to the supposedly important town of Maka(t). This despite the fact that there are many references, including the above Abraha's inscription, to far less important towns in Arabia than this alleged Makka(t).

Well, how about the enemy of Islam William Muir who traced Mecca back to year 570? Yeh he too conspired with the Muslims?

Well, let me just consider all the above evidences inadmissible, including your favourite Wiki. (I am just saving you the long time to refute everything I said, as later on you will be hit with the irrefutable)

The Cat wrote:
and the oldest qiblas weren't pointing there but way up North.

What the Qiblas have to do with it? This is the nature of the freak minders, they always confuse the subject with nothing but irrelevant crap, I guess to confuse the listeners away from exposing their irrational thinking. Well, what they are saying above makes no sense, it is not like those early Qiblas were always north from any place on earth, I am sure they were also east to those living in the west side. I will just dismiss this crap of an argument.

The Cat wrote:
The explanation for Mkk(t) in 48.24 as meaning 'destruction' comes from the Classical Arabic dictionaries, as per: (A Koraner site)

You mean the manipulation by the freak minders who translated it this way to confuse by deception; let me bring the verse in here and walk you through my translation bit by bit:

وَهُوَ الَّذِي كَفَّ أَيْدِيَهُمْ عَنْكُمْ وَأَيْدِيَكُمْ عَنْهُمْ بِبَطْنِ مَكَّةَ مِنْ بَعْدِ أَنْ أَظْفَرَكُمْ عَلَيْهِمْ ۚ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرًا (24)
And it is He Who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them in the valley of Mecca after He made you victorious over them. And ever is Allah over what you do, Seeing.
[Al Quran ; 48:24]

- وَهُوَ الَّذِي كَفَّ أَيْدِيَهُمْ عَنكُمْ, i.e. And it is He Who withheld their hands from you , very clear that Allah made the kafirs to stop fighting the Muslims; sounds like a peace treaty. It is not like the kafirs will all of a sudden fall in love with the Muslims so they stopped fighting them.

- وَأَيْدِيَكُمْ عَنْهُم , and your hands from them, this confirms the assumed peace treaty above, because Allah also made the Muslims to stop fighting the kafirs. This peace treaty is very well documented in history and is called: Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. See what your favourite source Wiki says about it:

In 628 AD, a group of 1,400 Muslims marched towards Mecca, in an attempt to perform Hajj (pilgrimage). They were forced to perform an Umrah (small pilgrimage). The group was prepared with animals of sacrifice, as they hoped that the Quraish made them honor the Arabian custom of allowing converts to enter the city. According to Lewis, Muhammad felt strong enough to attempt an attack on Mecca; but on the way, it became clear that the attempt was premature and the expedition was converted into a peaceful pilgrimage.[2] Andrae disagrees, writing that the Muslim state of ihram (which restricted their freedom of action) and the paucity of arms carried indicated that the pilgrimage was always intended to be pacific.[3] The Quraish intercepted the Muslim party well outside Mecca. By this time, all of Arabia was aware of the military strength of the Muslims.[citation needed] Muhammad wanted to avoid bloodshed in or near the holiest city of worship.

The two parties decided to resolve the matter through diplomacy rather than warfare. Hence the Quranic reference to the Sakina (tranquillity).


The Quran also referenced this treaty in the same sura 48; the sura that starts by telling us about the conquest of Mecca (Makka):
إِنَّا فَتَحْنَا لَكَ فَتْحًا مُبِينًا (1)
Indeed, We have given for you an obvious conquest.
[Al Quran ; 48:1]

لِيَغْفِرَ لَكَ اللَّهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِكَ وَمَا تَأَخَّرَ وَيُتِمَّ نِعْمَتَهُ عَلَيْكَ وَيَهْدِيَكَ صِرَاطًا مُسْتَقِيمًا (2)
That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and what will follow and complete His favour upon you and guide you to a straight path.
[Al Quran ; 48:2]

وَيَنْصُرَكَ اللَّهُ نَصْرًا عَزِيزًا (3)
And that He may help you with a mighty help.
[Al Quran ; 48:3]

هُوَ الَّذِي أَنْزَلَ السَّكِينَةَ فِي قُلُوبِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ لِيَزْدَادُوا إِيمَانًا مَعَ إِيمَانِهِمْ ۗ وَلِلَّهِ جُنُودُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۚ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمًا (4)
It is He Who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the believers that they would increase in faith along with their (present) faith. And to Allah belong the soldiers of the heavens and the earth. And ever is Allah Knowing, Wise.
[Al Quran ; 48:4]

-> The peace treaty is evident in 48:4, It is He Who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the believers that they would increase in faith along with their (present) faith.

Now, where that peace treaty took place? The answer lies in the next part of 48:24

- بِبَطْنِ مَكَّةَ , i.e. in the valley of Mecca

Now this is where we have a problem, the freak minders say it means in the midst of destruction, but most Muslims and the history records say it meansa place in Mecca.

The important note is this, there was no destruction, in fact it was a state of peace because the treaty of Hudaybiyyah was in place starting from year 628 and supposed to be running for 10 years. The word midst must mean that you are in the middle, or in the centre of doing something, or in the midst of something that is happening to you. In our case, the midst of destruction as the confused freak minders allege was not there.


The answer is simple: There was no destruction, rather there was Sakina, i.e. Tranquillity as 48:4 told us: It is He Who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the believers that they would increase in faith along with their (present) faith , and as 48:24 told us: And it is He Who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them in the valley of Mecca. But let's assume that before such peace treaty, there was a war, yet the same verse 48:24 tells us that the Muslims were not in a status of destruction, rather in a status of winning and being victories as seen in the next part of the verse:

- مِن بَعْدِ أَنْ أَظْفَرَكُمْ عَلَيْهِمْ , after He made you victorious over them., i.e. the last war, before this peace treaty, was won by the Muslims. I.e. the Muslims at that moment of time WERE NEVER IN THE MIDST OF DESTRUCTION; quite the contrary, THEY WERE IN THE MIDST OF COMPLETE VICTORY.

Now, if we analyse how the Preposition Bi in the words بِبَطْنِ مَكَّةَ , Bi-Batn Mecca was used in the Quran and what should come after it, we get the following list:

The Preposition Bi ب
The preposition Bi ب has various usages. It is used to express adhesion إلصاق; time and place ظرفية; swearing قسم; companionship and connection مصاحبة or ملابسة; to render an (intransitive) verb transitive تعدية or نقل; to indicate the instrument of whose aid we avail ourselves استعانة; to express the reason of cause علة or سبب, and to state the recompense, equivalent, or price given for anything تعويض , مقابلة, or ثمن [A Grammar of the Arabic Language by W. Wright]. It has diverse significations, including 'in', 'by', 'at', 'with', 'from', 'to', 'into', 'upon', 'for', or 'by reason of' [A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran by John Penrice]. Some examples of various usages of Bi ب are given as follows:

1. To denote adhesion (and adjunction, or association) of the verb to its objective complement, or of a noun or verb to that to which it is itself prefixed. It indicates whether one thing is attached, affixed, neighbouring, bordering, adjoining, in contact, meeting or touching, connected or contiguous to another.
Amsaktu bi-Zeydin: 'I laid hold upon or seized somewhat of the body of Zeyd, or what might detain him, as an arm or a hand, or a garment, or the like.'
Whereas Amsaktuhu may mean 'I withheld him or restrained him from acting according to his own free will'.
Marartu bi-Zeydin: 'I passed by Zeyd'; 'I made my passing to adhere to Zeyd'.
Bihi daa'un: 'In him is a disease', i.e. 'a disease is cleaving (or adhering) to him'.
Aqsamtu Billah: 'I swear by God'.
Ashraka Billahi: 'He associated another with God'.
Wakkaltu bifulanin: 'I associated a wakeel with such a one'.
Alaika bi-Zeydin: 'Keep thou to Zeyd or Take thou Zeyd'.
جلس به Jalasa bihi: He sat beside (or by) him.

2. To render a verb transitive.
In such cases, it must be translated into English by transitive verbs.
فَأْتُوا بِسُورَةٍ مِنْ مِثْلِهِ : 'then bring (lit. come with) a sura like it'. [2:23, 10:38]
ذَهَبَ اللَّهُ بِنُورِهِمْ : 'Allah took away (lit. went away with) their light'. [2:17]

3. It also denotes employing a thing as an aid or instrument.
كتبت بالقلم katabtu bilqalam: 'I wrote with the pen'.
قَاتِلُوهُمْ يُعَذِّبْهُمُ اللَّهُ بِأَيْدِيكُمْ : 'Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands' [9:14].

4. To denote concomitance as syn. with مع.
وَقَدْ دَخَلُوا بِالْكُفْرِ وَهُمْ قَدْ خَرَجُوا بِهِ : 'and indeed they come in with unbelief and indeed they go forth with it' [5:61].
ادْخُلُوهَا بِسَلامٍ آمِنِينَ: 'Enter you here with peace and security' [15:46].

5. It is also syn. with 'fi' before a noun signifying a place or a time.
Fi فى (in) shows that one thing is actually in the midst of another, surrounded by it on all sides; whereas bi ب indicates that one is close by the other or in contact with it.
وَلَقَدْ نَصَرَكُمُ اللَّهُ بِبَدْرٍ :'And Allah did certainly assist you at Badr' [3:123].
وَهُوَ الَّذِي يَتَوَفَّاكُمْ بِاللَّيْلِ وَيَعْلَمُ مَا جَرَحْتُمْ بِالنَّهَارِ 'And He it is Who takes your souls at night (in sleep), and He knows what you acquire in the day' [6:60].

6. It also denotes substitution, meaning 'instead of' or 'in place of'
لقيت بزيد بحرا laqeetu bi-zyedin bahran: 'I found, in the place of Zyed, a man of abundant generosity.'

7. It also denotes requital, or the giving or doing in return.
أُولَئِكَ الَّذِينَ اشْتَرَوُا الضَّلالَةَ بِالْهُدَى : 'These are they who have bartered Guidance for error' [2:16].
إِنَّ اللَّهَ اشْتَرَى مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ أَنْفُسَهُمْ وَأَمْوَالَهُمْ بِأَنَّ لَهُمُ الْجَنَّةَ: 'Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise)' [9:111].

8. It is also syn. with عن 'an' and is said to be peculiar to interrogation.
فَاسْأَلْ بِهِ خَبِيرًا : 'so ask respecting it one aware' [25:59].
يَا أَيُّهَا الإنْسَانُ مَا غَرَّكَ بِرَبِّكَ الْكَرِيمِ: 'O Man! What has lured you away from your Sustainer, the Bountiful?' [82:6]

9. It is also syn. with على 'ala'.
لَوْ تُسَوَّى بِهِمُ الأرْضُ : 'That the ground were made even over them' [4:42]

10. It also denotes part of a whole, as syn. with 'min' مِنْ.
عَيْنًا يَشْرَبُ بِهَا عِبَادُ اللَّهِ: 'A fountain from which the servants of Allah shall drink' [76:6]
عَيْنًا يَشْرَبُ بِهَا الْمُقَرَّبُونَ: 'A fountain from which drink they who are drawn near (to Allah)'. [83:28]

11. It is also used to denote swearing.
Billah or uqsimu billah: I swear by God
لا أُقْسِمُ بِهَذَا الْبَلَدِ : 'I do call to witness this City' [90:1]

12. It is also syn. with 'ila' إِلَى as denoting the end of an extent or interval.
Ahsana bi: 'he did good to me'.

13. It is also sometime redundant (expletive). Mostly in case of the agent كَفَى
وَكَفَى بِاللَّهِ حَسِيبًا : 'Allah is sufficient as a Reckoner' [4:6].
وَكَفَى بِاللَّهِ وَلِيًّا وَكَفَى بِاللَّهِ نَصِيرًا : 'Allah is enough as a protector, and Allah is enough as a Helper' [4:45].
وَكَفَى بِاللَّهِ عَلِيمًا : 'And sufficient is Allah as the Knower' [4:70].
Also see 4:50, 4:55, 4:79, 4:81, 4:132, 4:166, 4:171, 10:29, 13:43, 17:14, 17:17, 17:65, 17:96, 21:47, 25:31, 25:58, 29:52, 33:3, 33:39, 33:48, 46:8, 48:28.
Ahsinu bi-zaidin: 'Zaid became possessed with goodness or beauty.'
Bi-hasbika dirhamun: 'A thing sufficing thee is a dirhem.'
وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ : 'And Allah is not unmindful of what you do'. [2:74]
وَالَّذِينَ كَسَبُوا السَّيِّئَاتِ جَزَاءُ سَيِّئَةٍ بِمِثْلِهَا : 'And (as for) those who have earned evil, the punishment of an evil is the like of it' [10:27]
Also see 2:137, 17:88, 18:109, 25:33.

14. It also denotes a reason or cause علة or سبب (means for obtaining something; reason; cause; motive) translated e.g. as because of; on account of; due to; by
فَبِظُلْمٍ مِنَ الَّذِينَ هَادُوا حَرَّمْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ طَيِّبَاتٍ أُحِلَّتْ لَهُمْ وَبِصَدِّهِمْ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ كَثِيرًا : 'Because of the wrongdoing of the Jews We forbade them good things which were (before) made lawful unto them, and because of their much hindering from Allah's way' [4:160].
It is also used to denote a cause when prefixed with anna أَنَّ and ma مَا
ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَوْمٌ لا يَعْقِلُونَ : 'that is because they are a people without understanding' [5:58].
ذَلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوْا : 'that is because they disobeyed' [2:61, 3:112].


The Preposition Bi used in 48:24 falls under item 5 above, here it is again:

5. It is also syn. with 'fi' before a noun signifying a place or a time.

Fi فى (in) shows that one thing is actually in the midst of another, surrounded by it on all sides; whereas bi ب indicates that one is close by the other or in contact with it.

I.e. in the valley of Mecca. and I don't mind translating it to in the midst of Mecca.

Yet, the deluded explanation described by the freak minders will never be found there, I remember when I challenged Ayman 4 years ago, he came up with some made up sentences that made absolutely non sense and a complete fool of himself, I think I laughed at him at that time after realizing that I am dealing with a complete dumb bum of a manipulator.

The Cat wrote:
According to classical Arabic dictionaries, the word "maka(t)" mainly means "destruction/wearing down", among other meanings. It is listed in classical Arabic dictionaries under either MKK or MK.

This is a clear cut lie as we are going to see in all classical Arabic dictionaries under both roots:

A- مكك ,MKK

B- مك MK

The Cat wrote:
Al-Mohit lists it under MKK, the meaning given is destruction and wearing down which is consistent with the context of standoff in 48:24. It also lists the meaning of TMKK as an adversary's insistence on something, which is also consistent with the standoff in 48:24.

Let me bring Al-Muheet in here:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

The above explanation by Al-Muheet for the root MKK never ever mentioned any type of destruction; see:

مَكَّكَ يُمَكِّكُ تَمْكِيكًا , MKK; YAMKKUK; TAMKKIKA : Used with bones to mean excessively sucking it; used with an opponent to mean others insisting on requests from him.

How about, pussy cat, you take the above to the con-artist of the freak minders Ayman and shove it into his eyes and ask him: Where the hell is that destruction you are talking about in Al-Muheet dictionary? If he cannot answer you, then I advice you to shove it up his arse.

Well how about we look in the same dictionary for the other root MK:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

مَكَّ يَمُكُّ مُكَّ أو اُمْكُكْ مَكًّا , MK; YAMMUK MAKK; or AMKKUK MAKKA : Used with bones to mean sucking everything therein; used with an opponent to mean others insisting on requests from him; used with anything to mean decreasing and destroying it.

While the meaning of to destroy is mentioned in this dictionary under MK, it was never the main meaning, in fact it was the last in the list, and was only as a verb but never as a common noun as the liars of freak minders are alleging to the fools.

Let's look at the third dictionary named Al-Qamus Al-Muheet in which we find 7 different variations of Arabic words derived from the root MK:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

1- مَكَّهُ): (وامْتَكَّهُ وتَمَكَّكَهُ ومَكْمَكَهُ , MAKKAHU; AMTTAKAHU; TAMAKKAKAHU; MAKMAKAHU: Sucked it all, and what is sucked is called MAMMKUK; MUKAK is a male or female Crow (bird).

2- مَكَّهُ , MAKKAHU: Destroyed and decreased from it; and from it comes MAKKA to mean the sacred city, or to mean the whole sacred place (including its sacred surroundings), the city was called so because it decreases or destroys sins; or it destroys the unjust people therein.

Now, we have the meaning of to destroy as the meaning for the root of the proper name MAKKA; but does it destroy the sincere believers? Of course not, if we take the meaning of the proper name MAKKA to mean destruction, then it is only the destruction of the following:

a- Destruction of sins, because believers living therein should refrain themselves from committing sins and/or sincerely seek forgiveness of Allah for their existing sins in order to decrease or destroyed some of them, if Allah wills.

b- Destruction of unjust people who commit crimes (BELIEVER OR UNBELIEVER) by enforcing the punishment of Allah upon the unjust from among them therein.

It is never referring to the destruction of believers through a war or a fight as the lying con-artists of freak minds are alleging.

3- تَمَكَّكَ , TAMAKKAK: Insisted on requests from an opponent.

4- المَكْمَكَةُ , AL-MAKKMAKA: Rolling while walking

5- المَكُّوكُ , AL-MAKKOK: Like a cup used for drinking; or different weight measurements.

6- المَكَّانَةُ , AL-MAKKANA: The slave woman

7- مَكَّ , MAKKA: Throw (the weapon at target)

What you should find to be very funny about those ignorant con-artists of freak minds like Ayman, Layth, the Cat and their likes, that according to them, all the above variations of the root MK should mean 'destruction'. How ridiculous by those fake and freak so called Muslims and their fellow kafirs.

And if we take a meaning from the above list to be the common meaning, then logically speaking it has to be the first one in the list according to the author of that classical dictionary, i.e. it has to be:

1- مَكَّهُ): (وامْتَكَّهُ وتَمَكَّكَهُ ومَكْمَكَهُ , MAKKAHU; AMTTAKAHU; TAMAKKAKAHU; MAKMAKAHU: Sucked it all, and what is sucked is called MAMMKUK; MUKAK is a male or female Crow.

However, because the above is my assumption, then the most logical course of action should be not to assume one as a common meaning, rather all the above are equally common. But we have seen the freak minders lying to us by telling us ALL CLASSICAL DECTIONARIES LISTED THE MEANING OF DESTRUCTION AS THE COMMON MEANING. How deluded they are..

Continue below........


Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Sat 23 Jul, 2016 7:48 am; edited 2 times in total
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Fri 19 Nov, 2010 5:33 pm
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Read above first ^^^^

The Cat wrote:
Lisan Al-Arab lists it under MK and the meaning of MK(t) is given as "destruction" and TMK as "destroy".

Let's bring Lisan Al-Arab dictionary in here:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Lisan Al-Arab lists 9 different variations of Arabic words for the root MK:

1- مكَّ , MKK: Used with brains to mean sucking it all; and used with anything to mean destroying and decreasing it; and used with a bird to mean throwing its weapon.

2- تمكَّك , TAMAKKAK: Sucking the whole brain.

3- امتكّ , AMTTAK: The baby drank all that his mother have (in her breasts)

4- تمكَّك , TAMAKKAK: Insisted on requests from an opponent

5- المُكَاك والمُكَاكَة, AL-MUKKAK and AL-MUKKAKA : What is being sucked, and it is used with brains because brains are sucked

6- المَكَّانُ , AL-MAKKAN : This is what the baby sheep suckle from.

7- المَكَّانَةُ , AL-MAKKANA: The slave woman

8- مَكَّهُ , MAKKA: The sacred city, or as the whole sacred place, and it is being called BAKKA with a 'BA' as an alternative but it was said with a 'BA' because of the 'BA in Bayt (House) and with a 'MIM' to mean the vicinity around the House; it was also said with a 'BA' because of the words 'Batn Makka'. The city was called MAKKA because it decreases or destroys sins, or destroys the unjust people therein.

Again and again, if we take the meaning of the proper name MAKKA to mean destruction, then it is only the destruction of the following:

a- Destruction of sins, because believers living therein should refrain themselves from committing sins and/or sincerely seek forgiveness of Allah for their existing sins in order to decrease or destroyed some of them, if Allah wills.

b- Destruction of unjust people who commit crimes (BELIEVER OR UNBELIEVER) by enforcing the punishment of Allah upon the unjust from among them therein.

It was never referring to a destruction of believers through a war as the lying con-artists of freak minds and their sidekick pussy cat are alleging.

9- المَكُّوكُ , AL-MAKKOK: Like a cup used for drinking; or different weight measurements.

The same laugh goes at those confused freaks and their brainwashed kafir pal, that for them all those 9 different meanings should be 'destruction'.

The Cat wrote:
Al-Wasit lists it under MK, the meanings given are: sucking everything out, insisting on revenge from an adversary, and the thing, which is worn down or destroyed.

Let's bring Al-Wasit dictionary in here:
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Al-Waseet lists 7 different variations of Arabic words derived from the root MK:

1- مكَّ , MKK: Used with bones to mean sucking all what is therein; and used with an opponent to mean others insisting on requests from that opponent; and used with anything to mean decreasing or destroying it.

2- مَكَّكَ, MAKKAK: Insisted on requests from an opponent.

3- امتكّ , AMTTAK: The bones being sucked; the baby sucked all that his mother have (in her breasts).

4- تمكَّك , TAMAKKAK: Insisted on requests from an opponent.

5- المُكَاك , AL-MUKKAK: The brain that is being sucked, likewise the milk that is being sucked.

6- المُكَاكَة, AL-MUKKAKA: The brain that is being sucked, likewise the milk that is being sucked.

7- المَكُّوكُ , AL-MAKKOK: Like a cup used for drinking; or different weight measurements. It is also used with sewing machines.

From all those 7 different meanings, the confused freak minders want the first one, yet the first one has three different meanings: Used with bones to mean sucking all what is therein; and used with an opponent to mean others insisting on requests from that opponent; and used with anything to mean decreasing or destroying it. The last of them is 'destruction', this cannot make it the most common meaning.

But again, for those dumb bums of freak minders, all the above should mean destruction. So how long are we going to laugh at those idiots and their confused sidekick kafir pussy cat?.

The Cat wrote:
Al-Ghani lists it under MKK, the meanings given are: sucking, insisting with demands on an adversary.

Let's bring Al-Ghani dictionary in here:
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

مَكَّكَ , MKK: Sucking; used with an opponent to mean others insisting on requests from him.

So what is the point of those confused freak minders? Destruction was never mentioned. How foolish and dumb.

Would that be all classical Arabic dictionaries? Of course not, we have another one called Muheet Al-Muheet explaining to us the different words derived from the root MK, let me bring it in here:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

The dictionary listed all the meaning we discussed, sucking brains, sucking milk, sucking bones, and last was to destroy, then they said the following:

مَكَّةُ معروفة ، البلد الحرام ، قيل : سميت بذلك لقلة مائها ، وذلك أَنهم كانوا يَمْتَكُّون الماء فيها أي يستخرجونه ، وقيل : سميت مكة لأنها كانت تَمُكُّ من ظَلَم فيها وأَلْحَدَ أي تهلكه

MAKKA is known, it is the sacred city; it was said that they called it so due to the little water it has as they used to suck that water by extracting it from the land; it was also said that they called it so because it destroys anyone who commits injustice therein.

So what else we need to look at? There should be nothing conclusive than the same dictionaries those dumb bums of ignorant freaks are using. In which we read that the destruction they are talking about was never the destruction of the believers, rather the destruction of sins or the destruction of those who commit injustice in Mecca. It is never the destruction of the believers through any act of war as the lying freaks are telling us.

The Cat wrote:
Here is a translation of 48:24 using Classical Arabic dictionaries and the context of war from the verses to translate the common description "maka(t)":
And it is He Who has restrained their hands from you and your hands from them in the midst
of destruction after that He gave you the victory over them. And Allah sees well all that ye do.

You confused manipulated manipulator, three of the above dictionaries already defined what MAKKA is, it is a city which has a proper name; and yet, if we translate its root, we end up with numerous meanings, not just destroy; and yet, if we assume destruction to be the meaning, it will never fit in the context of verse 48:24 because the destruction your classical dictionaries are talking about are any of the following destructions:

a- Destruction of sins, because believers living therein should refrain themselves from committing sins and/or sincerely seek forgiveness of Allah for their existing sins in order to decrease or destroyed some of them, if Allah wills.

b- Destruction of unjust people who commit crimes (BELIEVER OR UNBELIEVER) by enforcing the punishment of Allah upon the unjust from among them therein.

It is never referring to the destruction of believers through a war or a fight as the lying con-artists of freak minds are alleging.

Let me bring the whole verse again and apply your dictionaries destruction meaning in the context and see for ourselves:

وَهُوَ الَّذِي كَفَّ أَيْدِيَهُمْ عَنْكُمْ وَأَيْدِيَكُمْ عَنْهُمْ بِبَطْنِ مَكَّةَ مِنْ بَعْدِ أَنْ أَظْفَرَكُمْ عَلَيْهِمْ ۚ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرًا (24)
And it is He Who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them in the midst of destruction after He made you victorious over them. And ever is Allah over what you do, Seeing.
[Al Quran ; 48:24]

-> So it should be:

And it is He Who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them in the midst of destruction (of sins)


And it is He Who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them in the midst of destruction (of the unjust people)

So where is the destruction of the believers, you filthy and retarded con-artists?

It cannot be any of the above, you pinhead freaks. It can only be:

And it is He Who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them in the valley of Makka.

And I am happy to accept the following too:

And it is He Who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them in the midst of Mecca.

The Cat wrote:
I used Yusuf Ali's translation but while he left "maka(t)" un-translated I didn't. As one can see, the clear classical Arabic meaning fits perfectly in the context of the military standoff in verse 48:24.

If you will ever get a perfect fit, you should get it by shoving the crap and lies by the freak minders along with Yusuf Ali translation up your arse. I am sure you are going to get a perfect fit, because they spew a lot of crap and lies which need a big and abused arse to fit.

The Cat wrote:
Based on the context from the great reading/"quran",

What happened here, confused? Is it called Quran or great reading? You funny clowns.

The Cat wrote:
linguistic evidence from Arabic dictionaries,

Yes, I have seen it in Barbie classical dictionary, you brainwashed mentally disabled freaks.

The Cat wrote:
and the lack of any evidence supporting that there was a "pre-quranic" town by the name of Maka(t), the only logical unbiased conclusion is that "maka(t)" is not the name of "pre-quranic" town but is simply a mundane common noun like thousands of others in the great reading/"quran".

Yeh, like the lack of this evidence by the enemy of Islam William Muir in his book'The Life of Mahomet'

Or the lack of Wiki's evidences, your favourite encyclopaedia:


Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

Conquest of Mecca

The Cat wrote:
Sticking to makkata as a location named Mecca is thus -chronologically- devastating for Muslims.

What is devastating should be all the compelling evidences presented above; your wishful thinking along with the freak minders' who molested and brainwashed you in their premises cannot be admissible.

The Cat wrote:
The proofs of its nonexistence, up to the 6th century at the very least, are simply overwhelming.

What we should have proofs for by now, is the irrefutable fact that your brain along with the brains of those who molested and enslaved you to promote their lies, are non-existent

The Cat wrote:
Thus the hadiths making the equation Abraham-Ishmael-Mecca (with Buraq!) are mythological !

Oh, come on, you may shove the hadith up your arse along with the lies and crap of the freak minders.

The Cat wrote:
Yep, archeolgy, dectionries and encycolpedias will all slam dunk me.

Well, as I told you before, you can shove your archaeological evidences up your arse, or up Layth's, or up Ayman's, or up yekee's. All of you as dumb stupid bums deserved and earned it.

I only refuted you with your dictionaries (remember), your encyclopaedia (Wiki) and of course the Quran..

The Cat wrote:
Go for it, Ahmed.

I certainly did and still have far more to say, but I did not want it to be too long for the pinheads.

Now, here is the deal, you will get only one chance to refute the above, take all the time you need (a year if you want), I am not going to tell you, you ran away, coward. But you have to use this chance really well, i.e. you need to refute all the above as I always do. And while you struggling to do so, keep in mind the following:

Only Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, Google online Translation, Quran and Bible evidences will be allowed; your wishful thinking and your so called archegonial evidences will never be allowed, so don't even think about presenting them.

But if you find my evidences to be overwhelming, then I expect you to be a man and concede that those freak minders are indeed a bunch of con-artists who only fool the fools and ignorant.

Finally keep this in mind:

1- I still have more evidences including other compelling grammatical concerning the two words Batn Makka which constitute what is called Genitive Construction in the Arabic language, but again I did not want to be very complicated upon the pinheads)

2- Have more Quran and Bible evidences

3- If you failed to refute logically and with merit, you will be dismissed and the logo of the Grandmother of all Slams will be stamped



Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Sat 23 Jul, 2016 7:49 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Fri 19 Nov, 2010 5:34 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

That was a precision bombing and a superb demolition.

I would like to read and see how the FFI goons and Clowns can put any spin over this utter demolition.

The Cat appears to be a sensible Qur'aan Only Kafir, so he may concede. Please ignore other FFI minions.

Well done, mate.

Post Posted:
Sat 20 Nov, 2010 12:10 am
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AhmedBahgat wrote:
Hello the Cat

The Cat wrote:
Hi AB! Thanks for the well researched post, the time and trouble you took for it is duly appreciated.


I still have more. But let me see what you have to say

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Qahira is translated in English to Cairo, why is that , Cat? What Cairo means in English, pal? It means the city of Qahira in Egypt, it does not mean Compelling or Prevailing.

The Cat wrote:
A word can have different meanings when use as a noun, a proper noun, an adjective or a verb.

But the word you have is a proper noun. It seems you are eager to take a very complicated lesson in the Arabic grammar. Are you ready for it?

The Cat wrote:
It is thus the case for makkata in 48.24. A proper noun in Arabic is usually indicated by -ism- and we do not find it there.

What the hell was that exactly?

The word Makkata is Ism already, i.e. proper noun. i.e Ism of a place. When I walk you through the very tough Arabic grammar lesson later, you should know how ignorant you are. But you should be excused because you know no Arabic, the ones who should never be excused are the con-artists of freak minds Layth and Ayman who know Arabic but yet continue to deceive the ignorant like you.

The Cat wrote:
So it must be considered as a noun of which meaning we'll look at and NOT as a proper name indicating a location.

So far, you are talking pure rubbish, again, the name Makka is a proper Ism, i.e. a proper noun, and I showed you 3 dictionaries stating so, that it is a proper noun of a place, and they even explained through different opinions why it is called so. Now, what you need to do is prove those 3 dictionaries wrong, but you cannot because you are using the same dictionaries to prove your deluded case.

The Cat wrote:
This goes with the Koran's habit not to mention locations, except a few exceptions of which 'makkata' isn't.

How stupid again, firstly there is no such thing called Quran habit, this is just pure stupidity. However I have to corner you in here waiting to upper cut you, you need to bring all those exceptions where the Quran mentioned places (numerous places), then explain why Mecca is not one of them

Stating such dull and dumb statements is not going to work with me, pal.

AhmedBahgat wrote:
So based on these, why the confused and manipulative freak minders want to translate the name of a city to the meaning of its root?

The Cat wrote:
Thanks for acknowledging that 'destruction' is a ROOT form of 'makkata'

Are you that manipulated manipulator?

Destruction was only one of the meanings of the roots, the last one to be precise

How about the main meaning which is SUCKING, like sucking brains, sucking milk, sucking bones, for which the dictionaries said Mecca got its name from because the people used to suck water from the ground with difficulty.

Yet, even if we take destruction to be the meaning, then as I said numerous time in my irrefutable reply, it was the destruction of:

1- Sins
2- The bad people

It was never the destruction of believers, you lying fool.

The Cat wrote:
Since this is a ROOT form,

Again you blind fool, it is not the root, it is one of the meanings of the root, and I showed you that all dictionaries said that it means SUCKING, while not all of them said that it means Destroy, consequently the main meaning of the root should be SUCKING and not DESTROYING. This fits Makka well because it has no water and they used to suck it with difficulty from the ground.

Your manipulated and wishful thinking crap holds no water. Just dust in thin air.

The Cat wrote:
one must prove that it differs like by showing the -ism- indicating a proper name. So here we face a conjecture stemming out from the wishful desire of the translators,

Total BS

The two words 'Batn Makka', constitute what is called Genitive Construction, genitive means that the last letter in the second word must end with a KASRAH vowel, so let me put a big image of the two words and see if it Makka ends with a KASRAH under the last letter in it:

Source of Image

The image above shows three words:

1- The Preposition Bi: بِ, Bi, i.e. In
2- The first word in the Genitive Construction: بَطْنِ , Batni, i.e. the midst of
3- The second word in the Genitive Construction: مَكَّةَ , Makkata, i.e. Mecca

Now, listen carefully, pal:

Genitive Construction in the Arabic grammar has very restrict rules, one of its rules is this:

- The second word MUST be genitive, hence its name 'Genitive Construction'. This means that the second word in the genitive construction MUST have a KASRAH under the last letter.

- Now, look at the image above from Quran verse 48:24, I highlighted the last letter of the second word of the Genitive Construction in red. However, it does not have a KASRAH under it, i.e. it is not genitive which violates the rule of the Genitive Construction that the last letter in the second word must be genitive. Well, the rest of the rule is as follow:

- The last letter of the second word in the Genitive Construction must be genitive with a KASRAH under it, unless the second word is ممنوع من الصرف , Mamnoo Mn Al-Sarf. I don't know how to translate this exactly to English, but in simple terms: Prohibited for Noonation and must be genitive with a FATHA above the last letter in lieu of a KASRAH under the last letter.

- Now, look at the word Makka again in the Quran photo above, we have that FATHA (Accusative) above the last letter, seen in red. i.e. the word Makka is ممنوع من الصرف , Mamnoo Mn Al-Sarf; see below from An Arabic grammar web site:

Source of Image
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

What they are saying above in simple terms: أن مكة ممنوعة من الصرف , i.e. Because Makka is Mamnoo Mn Al-Sarf

- This should take us to the next question, when is a noun will be ممنوع من الصرف , Mamnoo Mn Al-Sarf? The answer is as follow from the same grammar web site, :

Source of Image
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

What they are saying, it happens when it is : العلم المؤنث المختوم بتاء التأنيث , i.e. A proper feminine name that is ending with the feminine Ta.

Guess what, pal, Makka is an Arabic word that is:

1- Proper name
2- Feminine
3- Ending with the feminine Ta, the highlighted letter in red seen in the first Quran image.

In fact they even listed the word مكة circled in blue as an example.

Here you have it, pal, I just showed you that Makka is a proper feminine name. This should shut your ignorant mouth for good along with your deceitful con-teachers Layth and his clown Ayman.

It also means that the Grandmother of all slams have been executed. i.e. Game Over.

I.e. this is my final serious session in this debate. You may reply afterward but as for me, Game is Over.

And I am sorry to tell you that it became evident to me that I have to dismiss the rest of your crap without even reading it, and I am really serious here, I have not read it. But if you feel that there is in it a strong point that you made, please copy that point only in a new comment and I will reply to it inshaallah. Salam

The Cat wrote:
Makkata is nowhere else written, not even in 2.125 and 2.196 where it would have been plainly stated according to self-logic.
Yet, it wasn't there so HAD to be added in man-made ADDED brackets:

2:196 Perform the pilgrimage and the visit (to Makka) for Allah.
No 'makkata': Wa 'Atimmū Al-Ĥajja Wa Al-`Umrata Lillāhi.

2:125 And when We made the House (at Makka) a resort for mankind and sanctuary, (saying): Take as your place of worship
the place where Abraham stood (to pray). And We imposed a duty upon Abraham and Ishmael, (saying): Purify My house
for those who go around and those who meditate therein and those who bow down and prostrate themselves (in worship).

No 'makkata' either: Wa 'Idh Ja`alnā Al-Bayta Mathābatan Lilnnāsi Wa 'Amnāan Wa Attakhidhū Min Maqāmi 'Ibrāhīma

This HUGE silence, the total absence of -makkata- where it's badly needed is a Koranic prove that it can't be a location!

AhmedBahgat wrote:
The Cat wrote:
and the oldest qiblas weren't pointing there but way up North.

What the Qiblas have to do with it?

Everything! Before around 710, they weren't pointing toward nowadays Mecca !
If it was such an important place, certainly those to whom the trade was going would have noted its existence. Yet, WE FIND NOTHING, though the Greeks refer to the towns of Ta'if and Yathrib (later Medina ), as well as Khaybar in the north. The unmentioned of Mecca is indeed troubling for the historicity of a city whose importance lies at the center of the nascent Islam....

According to the Islamic tradition, the prayer's direction was finalized towards Mecca for all Muslims in or around 624. But the archaeological evidence, which has been and is continuing to be uncovered from the first mosques built in the 7th century, by archaeologists Creswell and Fehervari concerning two Umayyad mosques in Iraq and one near Baghdad, had Qiblas not facing Mecca but oriented too far north. The Wasit mosque is off by 33 degrees, and the Baghdad mosque by 30 degrees.

This agrees with Balahhuri's testimony (called the Futuh) that the Qibla of the first mosque in Kufa, Iraq, supposedly constructed in 670 lay to the west, while it should have pointed almost directly south. The Amr b. al As mosque outside Cairo in Egypt shows also that the Qibla again pointed too far north and had to be corrected by the governor Qurra b. Sharik. All above instance position the Qibla not towards Mecca but much further north, possibly to the vicinity of Jerusalem .

We find further corroboration for this direction of prayer by the Christian writer and traveler Jacob of Edessa, who, writing as late as 705 was a contemporary eye-witness in Egypt . He maintained that the Mahgraye (Greek name for Saracens) in Egypt prayed facing east and not south or south-east. His letter (still found in the British Museum ) is indeed revealing.

Therefore, as late as 705, the direction of prayer towards Mecca had not yet been canonized.

So, where were they pointing? We now have some computerized truly amazing result. LOOK!
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

They point to the al-Ula (Dedan)-Hijr (Hegra) area, best explaining Muhammad's own Hijr (Hegira).

AhmedBahgat wrote:
The answer is simple: There was no destruction, rather there was Sakina, i.e. Tranquillity

Surah 48 (Conquest/Victory, al-Fath) is clearly in the context of a battle to be as per 48.20-22.
But, generally speaking, surah 48 talks about the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, in 628, as a 'victory'.
As per the treaty enacted bloodshed was spared, thus the Sakina mentioned, i.e. Tranquility !

AhmedBahgat wrote:
according to them, all the above variations of the root MK should mean 'destruction'.

On this you've made a fairly good point :up: for at Hudaybiyyah there was negotiations, thus:
Al-Qamus Al-Muheet
Used with an opponent to mean others insisting on requests from him
Lisan Al-Arab & Al-Wasit:
4- تمكَّك , TAMAKKAK: Insisted on requests from an opponent
مَكَّكَ , MKK: Sucking; used with an opponent to mean others insisting on requests from him.

For 'what is sucked' should be understood as what is obtained/lost in such a negotiation.
It can refers to destruction (or enmity) avoided, still NOT as the proper name of a place.

If harsh negotiation
48:24 And He it is Who hath withheld men's hands from you, and hath withheld your hands from them,
in the midst of negotiations, after He had made you victors over them. Allah is Seer of what ye do.

If enmity avoided
48:24 And He it is Who hath withheld men's hands from you, and hath withheld your hands from them,
in the midst of enmity, after He had made you victors over them. Allah is Seer of what ye do.

AhmedBahgat wrote:
The Cat wrote:
Sticking to makkata as a location named Mecca is thus -chronologically- devastating for Muslims.

What is devastating should be all the compelling evidences presented above
The treaty that took place between the state of Medina and the Quraishi tribe of Mecca in March 628CE.

There was no Quraishi tribe affected to a big pilgrimage center named Mecca. Such an important place would have been known
from external sources. Ta'if was so known, Yathrib and even Khaybar, but NOT MECCA. So it is all an obvious apologetic fabrication
mainly from the man-made Sira of Ibn Ishaq (that is rather from Ibn Hisham) and from the Hadiths. Do we trust them? NO.

AhmedBahgat wrote:
The Cat wrote:
Thus the hadiths making the equation Abraham-Ishmael-Mecca (with Buraq!) are mythological !

Oh, come on, you may shove the hadith up your arse along with the lies and crap of the freak minders. is a Koraner site, thus they reject the hadiths. But since you admit that the hadiths are corrupted,
I ask you to extand this to the LIE of Mecca. Basically, they were first concocted by the Abbasid to legitimate their
usurpation through a forged al-Muttalib/Muhammad/Abbas blood lineage...

The forged genealogy at the base of the (political) hadiths:
The Abbasid caliphate was founded by the descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad's youngest uncle, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib,
As-Saffah the head of one branch of the Banu Hashim, who traced their lineage to Hashim, a great-grandfather of Muhammad, via al-Abbas.

All this fabulation (Ishmael/al-Muttalib/Muhammad/Mecca) has been debunked by the inscription of king Abraha
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

The inscription dated 552CE reads:
"With the power of the Almighty and His Messiah, King Abraha Zeebman, the King of Saba'a, Zuridan, and Hadrmaut and Yemen
and the tribes (on) the mountains and the coast wrote these lines on his battle against the tribe of Ma'ad (in) the battle of al-Rabiya
in the month of "Dhu al Thabithan" and fought all of Bani A'amir and appointed the King Abi Jabar with Kinda and Al, Bishar bin Hasan
with Sa'ad, Murad, and Hadarmaut in front of the army against Bani Amir of Kinda. and Al in Zu Markh valley and Murad and Sa'ad in
Manha valley on the way to Turban and killed and captured and took the booty in large quantities and the King and fought at Halban
and reached Ma'ad and took booty and prisoners, and after that, conquered Omro bin al-Munzir. (Abraha) appointed the son (of Omro)
as the ruler and returned from Hal Ban (halban) with the power of the Almighty in the month of Zu A'allan
in the year sixty-two and six hundred.

-- Abraha won.
-- No mention of Mecca whatsoever, while the province of Kinda is...
-- No mention of elephants (they would have needed a ton of water supply).
-- No mention of al-Muttalib nor of the Quraysh tribe.
--The inscription is ascertained 552AD, destroying the whole hadiths fabrications.

The Cat wrote:
Thanks again for the time and trouble you took in your researched presentation.

No worries. Take care


Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Sat 23 Jul, 2016 7:50 am; edited 2 times in total
Post Posted:
Sun 21 Nov, 2010 12:23 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
AhmedBahgat wrote:
Hello the Cat

Anyway, the point is, you have clearly shown that Makkata refers to Makka and the words Bi-Batne-Makkata mean "in the valley of Mecca".

Another important point, which non-Muslims who do not know Arabic at all, is that the word Makka is not at the end of the verse or a sentence. The recitation goes on.

You have already demolished the two points.

It is good that you referred to a well-known polemic Christian William Muir and the FFI goons, specially yeezevee and others cannot discard the ignorant fool, who coined the term Satanic Verses. Muir, the enemy of Islam, was the one who came up with that.

I believe there is nothing more to discuss in that dismissal. There is no need to talk about Qibla and other matters.

Well done, mate
Post Posted:
Sun 21 Nov, 2010 2:27 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Hello the Cat

I will look at this one for now, then I will look at the other one later inshaallah:

The Cat of FFI said to Ahmed:
All this fabulation (Ishmael/al-Muttalib/Muhammad/Mecca) has been debunked by the inscription of king Abraha
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

The inscription dated 552CE reads:
"With the power of the Almighty and His Messiah, King Abraha Zeebman, the King of Saba'a, Zuridan, and Hadrmaut and Yemen
and the tribes (on) the mountains and the coast wrote these lines on his battle against the tribe of Ma'ad (in) the battle of al-Rabiya
in the month of "Dhu al Thabithan" and fought all of Bani A'amir and appointed the King Abi Jabar with Kinda and Al, Bishar bin Hasan
with Sa'ad, Murad, and Hadarmaut in front of the army against Bani Amir of Kinda. and Al in Zu Markh valley and Murad and Sa'ad in
Manha valley on the way to Turban and killed and captured and took the booty in large quantities and the King and fought at Halban
and reached Ma'ad and took booty and prisoners, and after that, conquered Omro bin al-Munzir. (Abraha) appointed the son (of Omro)
as the ruler and returned from Hal Ban (halban) with the power of the Almighty in the month of Zu A'allan
in the year sixty-two and six hundred.

-- Abraha won.
-- No mention of Mecca whatsoever, while the province of Kinda is...
-- No mention of elephants (they would have needed a ton of water supply).
-- No mention of al-Muttalib nor of the Quraysh tribe.
--The inscription is ascertained 552AD, destroying the whole hadiths fabrications.

Thanks again for the time and trouble you took in your researched presentation.

Ahmed says
Apparently you do not see the flaw in your logic above concerning your so called archaeological evidence of the inscription of King Abraha.

King Abraha was living in Sanaa Tamen, therefore he was an Arabic speaker. Your Barbie scripture is written in a language that you did not even tell us about, but certainly not Arabic, it is not like someone will come with some chicken shit or rubbish and claim this is the inscription of Abraha and so it is a fact.

The above so called inscription looks to me a forgery, a photo shop job, you can see how the letters are so bright which makes no sense especially with the two different directions of the rows which are overlapping each other in the middle, as seen with the three arrows I added to this forged photo shop image.

Now, Abraha lived for some time and conquered many villages as told in this funny inscription, therefore it is not like these only 10 lines or so are telling us all his history and what he did or heard about, just thinking this way is totally insane and ridiculous. It is not like we should have read in this unknown language of a few words that Abraha heard of Kabba and he is going to destroy it.

The un-mentioning of Kabba in this funny so called archaeological evidence does not really mean that Abraha did not know about it. And certainly he could have never added it after after he was killed in the battle of Mecca as the Quran told us. One guy whom I know responded to one of the deluded idiots like Cat concerning the same archaeological Abraha crap. So I would like to copy it but direct it at the Cat instead:

Here is the Cat believing in wild stories about Abraha's army advancing on Arab tribes that was written on some alleged rock that was discovered some years before Muhammad's time. And the fact that he leaves out who and when this archaeological discovery was found, or proof that such a discovery was made probably has the audience on the edge of their seats in suspense of his magical rock. I mean what Arabs would agree to make up a story of their people being flogged to death?. You see, Cat thinks that a picture of a rock with clearly made up writing (as no old rock would be dug up with clear, bright, white writing on it) and no proof of who and when this rock was discovered, and whether it is actually authentic and that any other historically backed up evidence. The Cat has fallen for the old adage that If a lie is told over a long period of time it becomes fact. But this cannot change the fact that it is still a lie.

The Cat thinks that because the alleged archaeological find predates Islam by nearly 50 years somehow disproves the fact that Muhammad received revelation around 610 in Mecca. Yet we should note that he himself stated that the rock does not mention Mecca or the Kabba. Then it's absolutely absurd to say that the mentioning of Abraha trying to attack the Kabba is an invention of Muslims. For since it's two different stories, then there's a possibility of two different events being spoken of. See the idiocy in his posts. It's the same kind of foolish logic we find in all the freak minder arguments.

Back to Abraha's conquest; according to his make-believe archaeological find. Abraha was victorious and the carved stone has been confirmed and date confirmed. So where does this leave us? Well, we can rely on an alleged archaeological find supported by no proof of who or when or how it was discovered or whether the inscription is true. It isn't possible that some rock discovery can disprove or overrule the fact that Abraha was alive in 570 to conduct his quest upon Mecca. The inscription on the alleged rock which mentioned some prominent areas and peoples of Arabia but not Mecca, the Kabba and Quraysh proves nothing, because of the simple fact that the possibility that of it not being mentioned can be due to the fact that it relates to a different event. One should also take note that Mecca, the Kabba and Quraysh are all in Arabia and Cat even states that Abraha led a military expedition on Arab tribes. So a claim that Abraha intended to attack the Kabba is not far-fetched, unlike his claim through the freak minders about Mecca.

I'm really glad you are having a go at this conspiracy theory about Islam and Mecca because after what you copied from the freak minders and their likes, I am confident the absurdity in your logic is crystal clear to any reasonable person. You are pretty much admitting how flawed your logic is with such so called Abraha's Inscription which is plagiarism of the freak minders argument. But now, you will not be able to debunk my argument, because by doing so, you will be debunking yours, as my argument regarding the so called Abraha's Inscription is the same as yours. All wishful thinking, what I warned you about earlier regarding the always doubtful so called archaeological evidences.

So let me now make it clear, the Cat, just because you or else claim that an archaeological discovery is found, is not proof that it was found. Just because you refer to the freak minders which states your evidence is not proof that it is true. You have proven nothing as the freak minders and others proved nothing before you. You are simply copying and pasting links and articles claiming that they are true, but you don't have proof. There are websites stating that Big Foot is real, and Tupac and Elvis are still alive, but it doesn't make it true.

The point is that I'm not even stating that the archaeological find was not discovered, but that your logic behind stating that something is true is severely flawed. I've been demonstrating that in my plagiarism of your argument concering Abraha's Inscription, in effect debunking me would be debunking yourself.

Even if the find was actually discovered, it is not proof that the inscription is true. Nor can you prove that the inscription is true. And even if the inscription is true, it still does not prove your point. For as you stated, the rock is dated 552 A.D., while Muhammad was born 570 A.D. Then since there are two different dates and the inscription states an event different from the year of the elephant in Islamic sources, then the logical conclusion is that the discovery refers to a DIFFERENT event. How do we know? Because you just told us that the date of the inscription and events are different. Thus your argument that the year of the elephant is made up in Islamic records is bogus. To even further debunk your absurdity, those who were first to accept Islam were Arabs themselves. The simple fact that they accepted Islam is further evidence which supports the fact that the story is true. For the Arabs of that time would know their history and would have easily criticized and rejected Islam for such a false interpolation of their history of their own people. Yet there is no such case or document in which the Arabs questioned that the year of the elephant is wrong explained in Islamic. So as demonstrated and as usual, your argument fails. I suggest you pick up a book on how to use logical thinking and proof, for your habit of copying and pasting and then stating it is true with no proof is truly an embarrassment.

An archaeological discovery mentioning a different year and instances is proof of a different event, not that another story is made up. Such a conclusion is absurd. By that logic, that means that all history which is not mentioned in the archaeological fins is false. That is simply ridiculous. Secondly, the fact that the Arabs accepted and embraced Islam is very strong evidence to support the fact that the incident concerning the year of the elephant mentioned in Islamic records is true. Otherwise, the Arabs would have rejected Islam, not embrace it. Your logic is utterly flawed Cat. Get over it.

Thanks to my friend, and thank you Cat



Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Sat 23 Jul, 2016 7:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Sun 21 Nov, 2010 3:39 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Hello the Cat

I will look at this one for now, then I will look at the other one later inshaallah:

The Cat of FFI said to Ahmed:
All this fabulation (Ishmael/al-Muttalib/Muhammad/Mecca) has been debunked by the inscription of king Abraha
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

The inscription dated 552CE reads:
"With the power of the Almighty and His Messiah, King Abraha Zeebman, the King of Saba'a, Zuridan, and Hadrmaut and Yemen
and the tribes (on) the mountains and the coast wrote these lines on his battle against the tribe of Ma'ad (in) the battle of al-Rabiya
in the month of "Dhu al Thabithan" and fought all of Bani A'amir and appointed the King Abi Jabar with Kinda and Al, Bishar bin Hasan
with Sa'ad, Murad, and Hadarmaut in front of the army against Bani Amir of Kinda. and Al in Zu Markh valley and Murad and Sa'ad in
Manha valley on the way to Turban and killed and captured and took the booty in large quantities and the King and fought at Halban
and reached Ma'ad and took booty and prisoners, and after that, conquered Omro bin al-Munzir. (Abraha) appointed the son (of Omro)
as the ruler and returned from Hal Ban (halban) with the power of the Almighty in the month of Zu A'allan
in the year sixty-two and six hundred.

-- Abraha won.
-- No mention of Mecca whatsoever, while the province of Kinda is...
-- No mention of elephants (they would have needed a ton of water supply).
-- No mention of al-Muttalib nor of the Quraysh tribe.
--The inscription is ascertained 552AD, destroying the whole hadiths fabrications.

Thanks again for the time and trouble you took in your researched presentation.

Ahmed says
Apparently you do not see the flaw in your logic above concerning your so called archaeological evidence of the inscription of King Abraha.

King Abraha was living in Sanaa Tamen, therefore he was an Arabic speaker. Your Barbie scripture is written in a language that you did not even tell us about, but certainly not Arabic, it is not like someone will come with some chicken shit or rubbish and claim this is the inscription of Abraha and so it is a fact.

The above so called inscription looks to me a forgery, a photo shop job, you can see how the letters are so bright which makes no sense especially with the two different directions of the rows which are overlapping each other in the middle, as seen with the three arrows I added to this forged photo shop image.

Now, Abraha lived for some time and conquered many villages as told in this funny inscription, therefore it is not like these only 10 lines or so are telling us all his history and what he did or heard about, just thinking this way is totally insane and ridiculous. It is not like we should have read in this unknown language of a few words that Abraha heard of Kabba and he is going to destroy it.

The un-mentioning of Kabba in this funny so called archaeological evidence does not really mean that Abraha did not know about it. And certainly he could have never added it after after he was killed in the battle of Mecca as the Quran told us. One guy whom I know responded to one of the deluded idiots like Cat concerning the same archaeological Abraha crap. So I would like to copy it but direct it at the Cat instead:

Here is the Cat believing in wild stories about Abraha�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s army advancing on Arab tribes that was written on some alleged rock that was discovered some years before Muhammad's time. And the fact that he leaves out who and when this archaeological discovery was found, or proof that such a discovery was made probably has the audience on the edge of their seats in suspense of his magical rock. I mean what Arabs would agree to make up a story of their people being flogged to death?. You see, Cat thinks that a picture of a rock with clearly made up writing (as no old rock would be dug up with clear, bright, white writing on it) and no proof of who and when this rock was discovered, and whether it is actually authentic and that any other historically backed up evidence. The Cat has fallen for the old adage that If a lie is told over a long period of time it becomes fact. But this cannot change the fact that it is still a lie.

The Cat thinks that because the alleged archaeological find predates Islam by nearly 50 years somehow disproves the fact that Muhammad received revelation around 610 in Mecca. Yet we should note that he himself stated that the rock does not mention Mecca or the Kabba. Then it's absolutely absurd to say that the mentioning of Abraha trying to attack the Kabba is an invention of Muslims. For since it's two different stories, then there's a possibility of two different events being spoken of. See the idiocy in his posts. It's the same kind of foolish logic we find in all the freak minder arguments.

Back to Abraha�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s conquest; according to his make-believe archaeological find. Abraha was victorious and the carved stone has been confirmed and date confirmed. So where does this leave us? Well, we can rely on an alleged archaeological find supported by no proof of who or when or how it was discovered or whether the inscription is true. It isn�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t possible that some rock discovery can disprove or overrule the fact that Abraha was alive in 570 to conduct his quest upon Mecca. The inscription on the alleged rock which mentioned some prominent areas and peoples of Arabia but not Mecca, the Kabba and Quraysh proves nothing, because of the simple fact that the possibility that of it not being mentioned can be due to the fact that it relates to a different event. One should also take note that Mecca, the Kabba and Quraysh are all in Arabia and Cat even states that Abraha led a military expedition on Arab tribes. So a claim that Abraha intended to attack the Kabba is not far-fetched, unlike his claim through the freak minders about Mecca.

I�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??m really glad you are having a go at this conspiracy theory about Islam and Mecca because after what you copied from the freak minders and their likes, I am confident the absurdity in your logic is crystal clear to any reasonable person. You are pretty much admitting how flawed your logic is with such so called Abraha�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s Inscription which is plagiarism of the freak minders argument. But now, you will not be able to debunk my argument, because by doing so, you will be debunking yours, as my argument regarding the so called Abraha�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s Inscription is the same as yours. All wishful thinking, what I warned you about earlier regarding the always doubtful so called archaeological evidences.

So let me now make it clear, the Cat, just because you or else claim that an archaeological discovery is found, is not proof that it was found. Just because you refer to the freak minders which states your evidence is not proof that it is true. You have proven nothing as the freak minders and others proved nothing before you. You are simply copying and pasting links and articles claiming that they are true, but you don't have proof. There are websites stating that Big Foot is real, and Tupac and Elvis are still alive, but it doesn't make it true.

The point is that I'm not even stating that the archaeological find was not discovered, but that your logic behind stating that something is true is severely flawed. I've been demonstrating that in my plagiarism of your argument concering Abraha�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s Inscription, in effect debunking me would be debunking yourself.

Even if the find was actually discovered, it is not proof that the inscription is true. Nor can you prove that the inscription is true. And even if the inscription is true, it still does not prove your point. For as you stated, the rock is dated 552 A.D., while Muhammad was born 570 A.D. Then since there are two different dates and the inscription states an event different from the year of the elephant in Islamic sources, then the logical conclusion is that the discovery refers to a DIFFERENT event. How do we know? Because you just told us that the date of the inscription and events are different. Thus your argument that the year of the elephant is made up in Islamic records is bogus. To even further debunk your absurdity, those who were first to accept Islam were Arabs themselves. The simple fact that they accepted Islam is further evidence which supports the fact that the story is true. For the Arabs of that time would know their history and would have easily criticized and rejected Islam for such a false interpolation of their history of their own people. Yet there is no such case or document in which the Arabs questioned that the year of the elephant is wrong explained in Islamic. So as demonstrated and as usual, your argument fails. I suggest you pick up a book on how to use logical thinking and proof, for your habit of copying and pasting and then stating it is true with no proof is truly an embarrassment.

An archaeological discovery mentioning a different year and instances is proof of a different event, not that another story is made up. Such a conclusion is absurd. By that logic, that means that all history which is not mentioned in the archaeological fins is false. That is simply ridiculous. Secondly, the fact that the Arabs accepted and embraced Islam is very strong evidence to support the fact that the incident concerning the year of the elephant mentioned in Islamic records is true. Otherwise, the Arabs would have rejected Islam, not embrace it. Your logic is utterly flawed Cat. Get over it.

Thanks to my friend, and thank you Cat


FFIers have a habit of diverting the topic.

You have already addressed the two core issues, Ahmed.

1. You have already shown and proved that the words are
بِبَطْنِ مَكَّةَ and those mean "in the valley of Mecca".

2. You have demolished the argument about the History of Mecca by quoting the polemic Christian William Muir, a hate-bag himself.

The rest, I believe, is nothing but diversion. In my view, that debate is over.

Post Posted:
Sun 21 Nov, 2010 4:00 pm
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Salam bro BMZ

I know man, the Game was Over using Muir and Arabic grammar, and I know their tactics of diversions, however I am not going to leave the playground empty for them, my previous comment was a reply to their diversion, the important point is this, I do not divert the debate as they always do


Post Posted:
Sun 21 Nov, 2010 4:04 pm
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